Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Miller Knox Park, Point Richmond - August 30, 2009

Point Richmond - Canal Street (A bit out of order)

It was a foggy morning but soon the sun came out over Miller Knox Park. By the time I got there about noon, the picnic grounds were fairly protected from the wind but it was still pretty windy and cool by the water. After finding Sergio and Fran settled into their spots, I decided to drive down Dornan Drive to Ferry Point to look for painters. Not seeing any more easels setting up, I headed through Brickyard Cove over the hill to Canal Street near Shipyard #3 where I hoped to be able to paint tugboats. They were working that day and in addition to sailboats and parasails I caught sight of this one coming into the Marina Harbor Channel.

"Tugboat Shipyard #3" (9"x12"pastel) Artist Janice L-H

I set up near a very attractive drainage ditch (leave it to me to find a marshy spot with sea birds in all that concrete). It gave me a view of the Harbor Channel on one side and a view toward Mount Tam, and the megaexpensive houses built on piers over the water along Sandpiper Spit, next to the Richmond Yacht Club.

"Toward Sandpiper Spit" (9"x12"pastel) Artist Janice L-H

Aside from the occasional Richmond police cruiser, hiker, and tourists on the way to see the Red Oak Victory Ship, most of the traffic was on the water.
A very nice day indeed!

See the post on the nbpleinair website:

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