Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sketching in Old Davis - August 27, 2011

Davis Food Coop and Pete Scully's "Let Draw Davis" Group:

I have to put the day's temperature on these initial drawings, it will give you an idea of the conditions here in Davis in summertime. I chose to stay pretty much in the shade this time so my street sketching was rather limited to our first stop, the Davis Food Co-op. This store has all the good stuff (deli, food tables, steam tables), and a bar-b-que (also known as BBQ or barbequed meats) out by the store entrance! The guys were cooking chicken on the grill all day and I hear it was delicious!

There was a good gathering of the artists - we sat capturing each other in our sketchbooks. We had folks from Sacramento, Rio Vista and local folks too. All ages are welcomed and all levels of skill encouraged to attend by Pete Scully and Marlene Lee, the organizers of these monthly sketchcrawls. Below is Sandra (who is sitting near the crates of watermelons and the herb plant display).

Since we were sitting in the outside seating area (usually occupied by shoppers enjoying the delectibles from the store) we had comfortable tables and chairs to use for our sketching. Good thinking organizers! A little girl and her mommy sat across from me while I attempted to draw the trumpetvine that was growing among the rafters of the outside overhang of the building. Up at the corner, someone had placed a plastic owl (to deter birds from roosting over the seating area). I liked that and here it is - along with the tiny girl below. She didn't stay long so I left her in sketchier mode (ballpoint pen & watercolors).

Pete and the others had spread out to the front of the store and the nearby corner to sketch the neighborhood. I went around to the back parking lot and spied the delivery van and sketched it over two pages (I had my little square Bee sketchbook to work in). A composite will be included on the Flicker Group when I get a chance to post there. That's a jazzy van painted with "Davis colors". The few of us that were left (5) met up at the Dairy Queen (Oh, Wonderful, Cooling Milkshake!) to look at the day's work. We agreed it would be good to go back and tackle the hardware store another time...

I'll include links to Pete Scully's and Marlene Lee's blog. Of course you can see the rest of the drawings on the Flicker Group photostream.

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